How to File an RTI for State Government Exams to resolve every exam and results queries?

We have mentioned a lot of times about how the Right to Information Act of 2005 allows all its citizens to seek information about the proceedings in a transparent manner. And with RTI for exams, this awesome tool has empowered the students too, to know what went wrong in their results and seek for copies of answersheets, go for revaluation, get marksheets and more.
It is however, important to understand the reasoning for the marks given and know that the score was awarded fairly to the students. For students, it is now lesser worries because it is possible to contest the result given and not just accept it if it is unfair.
If you are not happy with your exam results, you can now get your Answer sheet copies of **Exams like UPSC, RRB, LIC AAO, SSC etc, and all State Government exams like TET, UPSC, MPSC etc.**
How to file Exam RTI for State government?
Shared below is the format for RTI you can follow for your RTI Exam queries.
- RTI for exams can be written on plain sheet of paper . Please make sure to write contact details like name and address clearly.
- Read through your result carefully and see what you want to know more about. Now write your questions about your examination/results query in a specific and clear manner so that it can be understood easily.
- Try to identify the public authority that has the required information as closely as you can.
- Next, find the concerned SPIO (State Public Information officer) for state government departments.
- There is no particular format required to file RTI for state government, so do not worry much about the format unless mentioned by that particular state government. You can check the format for your state here [refer #11].
- Submit your RTI form with the paid receipt of your fees, as required by the state. All the states have their own rules and fees to file RTI for state government.
- A dated and stamped receipt is always needed to file an RTI form, as well as proof that your application has been received by the PIO you’ve sent it to.
- The methods to submit a RTI application are:
- Personally, by hand
- Registered /Speed Post
- The information you seek is required to be sent to you within the prescribed period of 30 days. The fee to be paid if the information is delivered on time varies from state to state.
Now the things to note here are - that every information you seek should be in the form a clear and separate question. Also you need to be very sure whom to address, that is which SPIO to send the request to.
Any mistake or oversight will result in rejection of your RTI Exam request.
Recommended Read: Read here to know more about filing UPSC RTI to resolve exam and results queries.
RTI for exams now done much easier!
The easiest and fastest way to process your RTI application is to go to our website from your Mobile, Laptop, Tablet or Desktops (yeah, people still use it :) ) to file your RTI for exams.
At OnlineRTI, our team of RTI Experts can process your application and find the exact department for your exam query and help draft your RTI for exams so you get the information you need. You need not worry about finding any information or even need to leave you house.
We will do everything for you!
Just write your RTI request in simple words and submit it on our website.
- Click here to get started.
- Fill in your basic contact details as asked in the form.
- Write the nature of your query in simple English.
- We will get in touch with you over a phone call, understand your exact questions and our RTI experts will draft an RTI request on your behalf.
- Once you approve the same, we will send it to the right person.
- They will reply directly to you. You can even track the status of your application, the documents attached, everything right on our site.
It is that simple! And for all this you need to pay us only INR 199/- and you can pay it vai Paytm too!
With RTI for exams, you now don’t need to worry about incorrect exam information or result queries, because RTI helps you find out what you need to know!